Here you will find some interesting information in the life of Harry Duncan and his fistic brothers, from his early fights to joining up to fight for his country in the great war of 1914-1918
you will also be able to find other great pugilists of the day some of which Harry fought many a hard battle.
You will be able to read some of the great fight reports from the day, sourced from many newspaper articles, popular papers of the time like Boxing, Mirror of life, Boxing world plus local reginal newspapers.
The Owner
Nigel Harding
Boxing is my passion
I have been an avid boxing fan since my mother first told me many years ago as a youngster that great grandad was a well known London boxer. I was most interested in my great aunts stories about Harry and her life growing up in Holloway , from the hustle and bustle of Islington to Harrys fights and his working life on the docks of London .
The researcher
The pugilist
The Research
This site has taken many years of research through collecting old boxing news papers, books ,programs and the online source of the National Archives. Big thank you to Miles Templeton boxing historian for his input and suppling some great articles and pictures.